
The Blog
The aim of this blog is to be a random collection of things that interest me. A better title may well be The shit that's in my head but for now it has the politer title of A Rambling Hedgeypig.

I aim to post stuff about my time as a volunteer for the local Wildlife Trust, Richard Armitage, some of my artwork and some of my writing. Plus Book reviews, film reviews and other bobbins I feel motivated to spout about.

I do swear rather colourfully and some of the fic will have adult themes. 

The Blogger
Hedgeypig is middle aged old curmudgeon, wildlife enthusiast, film lover, half arsed artist, writer of rubbish fanfic and other original fic and Richard Armitage fan.

I've been around the Richard Armitage fandom since late 2006 when I was rather enthused by a certain chap in black leather. I have been on several forums, including a stint as administrator of the Armitage Army forum but resigned in late 2008 - the least said about that probably the better. Shortly afterward I helped found www.richardarmitagenet.com with Alicat but work and a load of personal old toot I shan't bore you with meant that she does a wonderful job of running it alone. (although I do holiday cover)